Archiwum 23 lutego 2005

lut 23 2005 Chinskie Walentynki / Chinese Valentine's...
Komentarze: 1

 Hello Kitty





-         Ania, czy wierzysz w Boga?

-         Nie.

Dlaczego pytasz?

-         Myslalem, ze wiekszosc ludzi w Europie I Stanach wierzy. Mialem kiedys nauczycielke z Holandii, ktora nie mogla zrozumiec dlaczego ludzie w Chinach nie wierza w Boga.



A do karaoke pojde jeszcze na pewno. Cos niesamowitego – kapsula jak z “Lost in Translation”, duzy ekran, trzy mikrofony, taniec na stole I troche wyglupow. Zakonczylo sie “Yellow Submarine”, rapowaniem Patryka, chinska opera R. i “I did it my way”. Cos niesamowitego, nie dziwie sie teraz dlaczego karaoke jest tutaj tak bardzo popularne. Co za wieczor!



 I've lived a life that's full.I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;But more, much more than this,I did it my way. Regrets, I've had a few;But then again, too few to mention.I did what I had to doAnd saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course;Each careful step along the byway,But more, much more than this,I did it my way. Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knewWhen I bit off more than I could chew.But through it all, when there was doubt,I ate it up and spit it out.I faced it all and I stood tall;And did it my way.  

Tak chce zyc.


Chadzam sobie do restauracyjkach I pubow smakujac high-life I wydajac moje ciezko zarobione pieniadze. Ale warto. Po zupie z glowy tunczyka w restauracji japonskiej, czekoladowej margaricie w pubie meksykanskim I rozmowie na temat flakow, Manuel zaczyna tworzyc sobie obraz polskiej kuchni. A glodna jestem caly czas I wieczorami napadam pokoj Patryka wyjadac mu jedzenie.



Zaoferowano mi prace w Szenzenie, rozwazam, rozwazam. Nie wiem jak upcham to do mojego grafiku, ale zawsze cos tam mozna wykombinowac. Mam strategie aby wprowadzac wszystkie plany w zycie. Wyklady ida do przodu; profesor Wong na Rekrutacji mowi jak Romeo – jest naprawde uroczy I milo sie go slucha. A profesor Lui na Ekonomii Hong Kongu wylozyl nam ekonomiczna teorie malzenstwa. Bylo troche smiechu, ale duzo w tym prawdy.



Obejrzalam kolejny japonski film Yukisady Isao “Crying out love in the center of the world!” (Pragnac milosci w centrum swiata). Jest niesdamowicie poetycki I naprawde wzrusza. Ma duzo wspolnego z ‘Trzema Kolorami’ Kieslowskiego. Warto obejrzec.



Nocna rozmowa z mama doenergetyzowala mnie bardzo. Fajnie jest tak porozmawiac I dotknac zycia, ktore zostawilo sie na drugim koncu swiata. A siostrunia zyje sobie samodzielnie w mieszkaniu, Pati rosnie a ja juz robie plany aby ja zabrac na pewne wakacje do Australii a potem do Indii. Uwazaj! Ciocia odjazd nadchodzi!





-         Ania, do you believe in God?

-         No.

Why do you ask?

-         I thought that most of the people in Europe and America believe. I have had a teacher from Holland and she couldn’t understand why people in China don’t believe in God.



To karaoke club I’ll go once more for sure. Incredible – a capsule like from “Lost in Translation”, big screen, three microphones, dance on the table and being silly. We finished with “Yellow Submarine”, Patrick’s rap, Chinese opera sang by R. and ‘I did it my way’. Amazing evening; no wonder that karaoke is so popular in China.


I've lived a life that's full.I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;But more, much more than this,I did it my way. Regrets, I've had a few;But then again, too few to mention.I did what I had to doAnd saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course;Each careful step along the byway,But more, much more than this,I did it my way. Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knewWhen I bit off more than I could chew.But through it all, when there was doubt,I ate it up and spit it out.I faced it all and I stood tall;And did it my way.



I want to live like that.


I’m going out to restaurants and pubs tasting high-life and spending hardly-earned money. But it’s worth it. After having eaten salmon head soup in Japanese restaurant,  drunk chocolate margarita in Mexican bar and having a talk on flaki (Polish soup made of….guts), Manuel starts shaping his opinion on Polish cuisine. Besides I’m hungry all the time and raid Patrick’s room in the evenings in search for food.


I’ve been offered a job in Shenzhen and I’m thinking about it. Don’t know how I’ll manage to fix it into my timetable but I’m a big fan of putting all of the plans into practice. There is always a way to work something out. Lectures are going on; professor Wong from Recruitment talks like Romeo – he’s really cute and it’s nice to listen to him, while professor Lui from Hong Kong Economy was talking today about economic theory of marriage. There was a big laugh, but there is a lot of truth in all of this.


I’ve seen another Japanese film, this time Yukisada Isado’s “Crying out love, in the center of the world”. The title sounds a bit kitschy but the film is really good – very poetic and has a lot in common with Kieslowski’s “Three colors”. It’s worth watching.


Last night’s talk with mum energized me a lot. It’s great to talk and touch the life I’ve left on the other side of the world. Sis is living in her apartment; Pati growing up and I’m making plans to take her to Australia during one summer and to India afterwards. Be aware! Your wicked aunty is coming!!!

-ania- : :