Najnowsze wpisy, strona 2

kwi 14 2005 "2046" Wong Kar-wai
Komentarze: 2


Samotny pisarz, Chow, przenosi sie do Hong Kongu gdzie ma liczne romanse z kobietami I caly czas nie moze zapomniec Sue – kobiety z jego przeszlosci ( nie zgodzila sie aby z nim wyjechac). W Singapurze poznaje inna Sue, ktora przypomina mu o tej pierwszej; podaza za nia w rozne miejsca az w koncu ona leczy go z jego iluzji. Chow przenosi sie do Hong Kongu, tam chce wynajac pokoj 2046 (w pokoju o takim samym numerze spedzil swoje dni z Sue). Ten pokoj jest zajety przez prostytutke, z ktora Chow ma w koncu romans.

Jest jeszcze corka wlasciciela hotelu I jej japonski chlopak nalegajacy aby ona z nim wyjechala mimo braku zgody jej ojca…


Chow pisze ksiazke zatytulowana 2046.

“Jest pisarzem, myslal ze pisal o przyszlosci ale w rzeczywistosci to byla przeszlosc. W jego powiesci tajemniczy pociag wyjerzdza raz na jakis czas w kierunku 2046”


“Kazdy kto idzie do 2046 ma takie same intencje -

odnalezc stracone wspomnienia

bo w 2046 nic sie nigdy nie zmienia

Nikt nie moze byc pewien ze to prawda

Bo nikt kto tam sie tam kiedykolwiek wybral…

…. Nie wrocil

oprocz mnie

bo ja potrzebuje sie zmienic”


To jest piekny film (kontynuacja “In the Mood for Love”), czasem nie wiadomo o co w tym wszystkim chodzi, ale naprawde duzo sie tam dzieje. Wzielam go bardzo osobiscie, jak na pewno wiele ludzi – tak mysle.

“Tutaj jest potrzeba kazdego z nas aby miec miejsce aby ukryc albo przechowac pewne wspomnienia, mysli, impulse, nadzieje I marzenia,” mowi Wong Kar-wai. “One sa czescia naszego zycia ktorych nie mozemy rozwiazac albo zmieniac, ale w tym momencie, boimy sie je wyrzucic za burte. Dla niektorych to jest fizyczne miejsce; dla innych, przestrzen psychiczna, a dla niewielu to rzadne z tych.”






A lonely writer, Chow, moves to Hong Kong where he has love affairs with numerous women and cannot forget Sue – the woman from his past (she has refused to leave with him). In Singapore he meets a different Sue who reminds him of the previous one; he follows her everywhere but she finally cures him from his self-illusion. He moves to Hong Kong where he wants to rent a room numbered 2046 (in the same room number he spent his days with Sue). This room is occupied by a prostitute, with whom Chow finally has an affair.

There is also a daughter of the hotel owner and her Japanese boyfriend insisting that she left with him even though her father does not agree…


Chow is writing a book titled 2046.

He was a writer, He thought he wrote about the future but it really was the past. In his novel, a mysterious train left for 2046 every once in a while.


“Everyone who goes to 2046 has the same intention -
To recapture their lost memories
Because in 2046, nothing ever changes
Nobody can be sure that this is true
Because nobody who goes there ...
.. has ever come back
Except for me
Because I do need to change.”


It’s a beautiful film (a sequel to “In the Mood for Love”), sometimes a bit confusing, but a lot is going on there. I took it very personally, as many people would – I think.

“Here is a need in all of us to have a place to hide or store certain memories, thoughts, impulses, hopes and dreams," says Wong Kar-wai. "These are the parts of our lives that we can't resolve or act upon, but at the time, we are afraid to jettison them. For some, this is a physical place; for others, it is a mental space, and for a few it is neither."


-ania- : :
kwi 12 2005 Zniszczmy swiat w imie interesu narodowego!...
Komentarze: 8


-ania- : :
kwi 08 2005 Liszt & Petrarka
Komentarze: 4

Franz Liszt



-         Dziendobry, czy moge rozmawiac z Pania Cebula?

-         To znaczy z Pania Ania?

-         Tak, z Pania Cebula.


( wymowa angielskiego slowa cebula – onion, I Ania jest bardzo podobna)


Ludzie tutaj nazywaja mnie na tak wiele sposobow. Dla niektorych jestem Ania, dla innych Anja, Enja, An-Marie, Onion albo Marie ( kiedy imie jest napisane w kolejnosci: nazwisko, imie, drugie imie – dla osob w Chinach to jest logiczne aby traktowac ostatnie imie jako pierwsze).


Pogoda w Hong KOngu jest teraz absolutnie piekna : slonce, ptaki, zapach kwiatow, ciepa bryza I szafirowa woda dookola. Wszystko to sprawia, ze ludzie kwitna I sie usmiechaja.


Mark zagral “104 Sonet Petrarki” Liszta I sluchanie go bylo prawie mistycznym doswiadczeniem. On dotyka klawiszy w tak delikatny sposob I wydobywa silne dzwieki ktore ida gleboko do serca I dotykaja strun emocji. Tak duzo uczuc kladzie do kazdej nuty.

Bylam totalnie, niesamowicie, zupelnie

I ABSOLUTNIE zafascynowana!

Kiedy skonczyl popatrzyl na mnie I zapytal czy wszysztko jest OK.

NIe bylo slow aby cokolwiek odpowiedziec.


Stalam sie wielka fanka Marka i Liszta.





-         Hi, can I talk to Ms. Onion?

-         You mean Ms. Ania?

-         Yes, Ms. Onion.


People call me in so many ways here. For some I’m Ania, for others Anya, Enya, An-Marie, Onion or Marie (when a name is written in the order: surname, first name, second name – then for Chinese people it’s logical to consider the last one as the first).


The weather is absolutely beautiful in Hong Kong right now: sun, birds, smell of flowers, warm breeze and sapphire water around. All of that makes people blossom and smile.


Mark played “Petrarka’s Sonnet 104” by Liszt and listening to him was almost a mystic experience. He touches the keys is such a gentle way and creates strong sounds that go deep into heart and touch the strings of emotions. He puts so many feelings into every single note.

I was totally, definitely, amazingly

and ABSOLUTELY fascinated!

When he finished he looked at me and ask if I was OK.

There were no words to answer.


I became a big fun of both Mark and Liszt.

-ania- : :
kwi 05 2005 KAROL WOJTYLA
Komentarze: 7

Karol Wojtyla, wedrowka w Bieszczadach/

Karol Wojtyla hiking in Bieszczady (Polish mountains)



Papiez zmarl.

Gosia mowi, ze w Polsce wszystko teraz wlasciwie stanelo w miejscu – imprezy kulturalne odwolane, wiele sklepow zamknietych, progamy telewizyjne emituja glownie filmy religijne I dokumentalne, stacje radiowe klasyczna I lagodna muzyke I miliony ludzi wybiera sie do Rzymu na pogrzeb.

Ciezko jest wyobrazic sobie teraz katolicyzm w Polsce – w tak wielu wzgledach byl on powiazany z Janem Pawlem II.


Byl wazny dla wielu ludzi I byl zrodlem pokarmu duszy dla wielu I w ten sposob dajac im sens piekna w zyciu, nie mowiac juz o jego udziale w budowaniu tolerancji religijnej i zmianie sytuacji politycznej w Polsce (ale twierdzenie ze to on sprawil ze mur berlinski runal jest na pewno wyolbrzymieniem).


Co to znaczy dla mnie? To smutne kiedy ktos odchodzi, zwlaszcza ktos kto byl tak bardzo wazny dla wielu ludzi, wlaczajac wiele osob bliskich mi. Nie wierze w Boga I na pewno nie nazwalabym siebie chrzescijanka  ale katolicyzm jest gleboko we mnie, nie jako ideologia ale jako kultura. To jest cos na czym w wielu wzgledach wyroslam (poza pieprzem, chrzanem I Chopinem :)) I czuje do niego sentyment, mimo ze nie zgadzam sie z wieloma jego nauczaniami (wlaczajac nauczania papieza).




Pope died.

Gosia says that in Poland everything is brought to a standstill – all cultural events cancelled, many shops closed, TV channels broadcast only religious programs or documentaries, radio stations only classical or ‘soft’ music and millions of people are preparing themselves for a trip to Rome for the funeral.

It’s so hard to imagine Catholicism right now in the country – it was so much linked to John Paul II.


He was important to many people and provided soul nourishment for many thus giving them a sense of beauty of life, not to mention his contribution to building greater religious tolerance and his influence on political situation in Poland (but it’s certainly an exaggeration to say that he made Berlin Wall fall down).


What it means to me? It’s sad when someone passes away, especially someone who was so important to many people, including many of those very close to me.

I don’t believe in God and I wouldn’t call myself a Christian but Catholicism is deep inside me, not as an ideology but as a culture. It’s something that in many ways I grew up on (besides pepper, horse-radish and Chopin :)) and I feel big sentiment to, even though I don’t agree with many of its teachings (including teachings of the Pope).

-ania- : :
Komentarze: 2




- Where'd you get the coconuts?

- We found them.

-  Found them? In Mercia? The coconut's tropical!

- What do you mean?

- Well, this is a temperate zone.

-  The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land?

- Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?





- Well, I am King!

- Oh, King, eh, very nice. And how d'you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers! By 'anging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there's ever going to be any progress with the--


- I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.

- You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship: a self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--

- Oh, there you go bringing class into it again.




Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!






Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni!

Who are you?

We are the Knights Who Say... 'Ni'!




 You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur King, you and all your silly English k-nnnnniggets. Thpppppt! Thppt! Thppt!





Brave Sir Robin ran away,
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.





Finally someone took care of those insane guys!!! :)

I really enjoyed the film, it makes one look at life in less serious way.


W koncu ktos zadbal o tych szalencow!!! :)

Film niesamowicie mi sie podobal. Pomaga spojrzec na zycie w mniej powazny sposob.


We're Knights of the Round Table.
We dance whene'er we're able.
We do routines and chorus scenes
With footwork impeccable.
We dine well here in Camelot.
We eat ham and jam and spam a lot

-ania- : :