kwi 29 2005

"BRAZIL" Terry Gillam - Wszyscy razem w tym...

Komentarze: 5



To jeden z najlepszych filmow jakie kiedykolwiek widzialam. I nie mowie o formie czy o czesci rozrywkowej, ale o tym co on mowi.


Sam pracuje dla Ministerstwa Informacji, ogromnej biurokracji, I ucieka w fantazje przed przyszlosciowa-rzeczywistoscia. Pewnego dnia spotyka dziewczyne z jego snu I dla milosci do niej rezygnuje z bezpieczenstwa.


Jest tam duzo podobienstw do 1984 Orwella, ale wydaje sie to byc krytycyzm faszyzmu zamiast marksismu. Mimo ze film rozpoczyna sie napisem “gdzies w dwudziestym wieku” (film byl zrobiony w 1986) sceneria jest bardzo przyszlosciowa I razem z tytulem daja wrazenie ze moze sie to dziac gdziekolwiek i kiedykolwiek. Gilliam komentuje, ze jego krytycyzm jest skierowany przeciwko amerykanskiej dystopii komercyjnej, ktora “bombarduje ciebie marzeniami I pozbawia ciebie twoich wlasnych”


Telewizja zrzuca wine za przemoc kultury na niewidocznych terrorystow – brzmi znajomo?




That’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. And I’m not talking about the form or entertaining part, the great is what it says.


Sam works for Ministry of Information, a huge bureaucracy, and uses fantasy to escaped future-reality. One day he meets a girl from his dreams and undermines his safety for love of her.


There are many similarities with Orwell’s 1984, yet it seems to be a criticism of fascism instead of Marxism. Although the opening says ‘somewhere in the 20th century’ (film was made in 1986) the setting is very futuristic which together with the title gives an impression as if it was to happen everywhere and anytime. Gillian comments that his criticism is aimed at American commercial dystopia, which “bombards you with dreams and deprives you of your own"


Television still blames the violence of the culture on unseen terrorists – sounds familiar?



Budynek Centrum - reprodukcja faszystowskiej architektury z lat 30tych.

Building of the Centre – reproduction of fascist architecture from 30s.





                I hereby inform you under powers

               entrusted to me under Section 47,

               Paragraph 7 of Council Order Number

               438476, that Mr Buttle, Archibald,

               residing at 412 North Tower, Shangri

               La Towers, has been invited to assist

               the Ministry of Information with

               certain enquiries, the nature of

               which may be ascertained on

               completion of application form

               BZ/ST/486/C fourteen days within this

               date, and that he is liable to

               certain obligations as specified in

               Council Order 173497, including

               financial restitutions which may or

               may not be incurred if Information

               Retrieval procedures beyond those

               incorporated in Article 7 subsections

               8, 10 & 32 are required to elicit

               information leading to permanent

               arrest - notification of which will

               he served with the time period of 5

               working days as stipulated by law. In

               that instance the detainee will be

               debited without further notice

               through central banking procedures

               without prejudice until and unless at

               such a time when re-imbursement

               procedures may be instituted by you

               or third parties on completion of a

               re-imbursement form RB/CZ/907/X ...


- I want to report a wrongful arrest.

- You want Information Adjustments. Different department.

- I've been to Information Adjustments. They sent me here. They told me you had a form I had to fill in.

- Have you got an Arrest Receipt?

- Yes.

- Is it stamped?

- Stamped?

- No, there's no stamp on it. You see! I can't give you the form until it's stamped.

- Where do I get it stamped?

- Information Adjustments



Have you got a 27B/6?




Yes ... No ... send that back ...

               wrong department ... of course ... of

               course not ... yes ... no ... maybe.


... cancel that ... okay ... put half

               as terrorists, the rest as victims

               ... yes ... yes ... no ... definitely

               no ...


no, cancel that ... glad to have

               you aboard ... yes ... no ... don't

               be ridiculous Jenkins ... Yes, yes,

               yes ... you'll like it up here ...

               send that back ... we've got a crack

               team of ... are they kidding? ...

               decision makers ... No, in triplicate

               ... I'm expecting big things ... two

               copies to Finance ... of you ... send

               that to Security ... uh, uh, uh.

                    (poring over forms)

               Uh, don't let Progress see this ...

               between you and me, Lowry, this ...

               no, no ... department ... tell

               Records to get stuffed ... is about

               to be upgraded and ...


Getting younger - plastic surgery.



Miesko!!! / Fleshy!!! 



Ci ktorzy sprzeciwiaja sie systemowi beda 'deleted'

Those who fight against the system will be deleted.



Only dreams….

-ania- : :
09 maja 2005, 09:29
PS Deleted - Skasowani.
03 maja 2005, 01:43
:) Zaintrygowal mnie jeden podpis pod zdjęciem, gdyż o dziwo byl w dwóch językach, jakby specjalnie dla mnie :) Lubie mięsko ale niewiem czy bym tknol to z tego zdjecia, chociaż czlowiek zdesperowany wybiera deserackie kroki...;)
30 kwietnia 2005, 20:10
pampa rampa. Mareczek, ogoreczek!!!!
30 kwietnia 2005, 14:52
dwa ogórki, dwa banany, taki jestem popaprany

miau miau miau

niech grrrrrrrrrrrrra gitarrrrrrrrrrrrrrra
30 kwietnia 2005, 11:26
Sebastian - dodalam notke do wpisu o Chinach - Japonii.

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