Komentarze: 4
Wczorajsze zajecia z dziecmi byly zaskakujace. Najpierw chor spiewajacy ‘Happy Birthday Miss Anya’ (nie mam nic przeciwko swietowaniu urodzin kilka razy w roku) a potem dyskusja na temat dlugosci mojego nosa po tym jak jeden z chlopcow rzucil ‘ Miss Anya, you’ve got a really big nose’. Zrobilam im mala prezentacje: ‘Tak wyglada z lewego profile, tak z prawego, tak z dolu a tak z gory’ Troche sie posmialismy. Moj nos to moja duma! Ktos kiedys powiedzial, ze dlugosc nosa sjest miernikiem inteligencji. Entuzjastyczne popieram ta teorie.
Goraco polecam ‘Wujaszka Wanie’ w rezyserii Laurence Oliviera (1962). Fantastyczna obsada. Joan Plowright jako Sonya jest nieziemska, Rosemary Harris swietnie interpretuje Helene a Sybil Thorndike jest bombowa jako pielegniarka.
' Please, understand that your life is bad and dreary!' Chekhov
Yesterday's lessons with the kids were surprising. First a choir singing ‘Happy Birthday Miss Anya’ (I have nothing against celebrating Birthday few times a year), later a discussion on the size of my nose following one of the boys' statement “Miss Anya, you’ve got a really big nose”. I made a small presentation: ‘This is how it looks from the left profile, here from the right, from upwards and when one looks at it from below’. We had a good laugh. My nose is my pride! Someone told me once that the length of a nose is the measure of intelligence. I’m a big fun of this theory.
‘Uncle Vanya’ directed by Laurence Olivier (1962) strongly recommend. Fantastic cast. Joan Plowright is far-out as Sonya, the interpretation of Helena by Rosemary Harris is great and Sybil Thorndike is unforgettable as Nurse.
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